My Current Table:
Output should be
declare @table table (
ProductID int, TransactionID int, Details varchar(50), Status varchar(100),
StatusDate datetime, RequestDate datetime )
insert into @table
Select 1, 11101, 'Enroll', 'Received' , '10/2/2010', '10/01/2010' union all
Select 1, 11102, 'Enroll', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/4/2010', '10/03/2010' union all
Select 1, 11105, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/5/2010', '10/04/2010' union all
Select 1, 11108, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/6/2010', '10/05/2010' union all
Select 1, 11110, 'Update', 'Shipped' , '10/11/2010', '10/10/2010' union all
Select 1, 11111, 'Enroll', 'Received' , '9/11/2010', '9/10/2011' union all
Select 1, 11113, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '9/13/2011', '9/12/2011' union all
Select 1, 11117, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '9/14/2011', '9/13/2011' union all
Select 1, 11120, 'Update', 'Shipped' , '9/21/2011', '9/20/2011'
;With CTE As (
Select *, (Row_Number() over(order by ProductID, TransactionID, StatusDate desc))as RowNum
from @table ),
CTE2 As (
Select CTE.*, (case When CTE.Status = isnull((select t.Status from CTE t where t.RowNum = (CTE.RowNum + 1)), '')then 1
else 0 end
)as RowNum2
from CTE )Select CTE2.ProductID, CTE2.TransactionID, CTE2.Details, CTE2.Status, CTE2.StatusDate, CTE2.RequestDate
from CTE2 where RowNum2 = 0
Output should be
declare @table table (
ProductID int, TransactionID int, Details varchar(50), Status varchar(100),
StatusDate datetime, RequestDate datetime )
insert into @table
Select 1, 11101, 'Enroll', 'Received' , '10/2/2010', '10/01/2010' union all
Select 1, 11102, 'Enroll', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/4/2010', '10/03/2010' union all
Select 1, 11105, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/5/2010', '10/04/2010' union all
Select 1, 11108, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/6/2010', '10/05/2010' union all
Select 1, 11110, 'Update', 'Shipped' , '10/11/2010', '10/10/2010' union all
Select 1, 11111, 'Enroll', 'Received' , '9/11/2010', '9/10/2011' union all
Select 1, 11113, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '9/13/2011', '9/12/2011' union all
Select 1, 11117, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '9/14/2011', '9/13/2011' union all
Select 1, 11120, 'Update', 'Shipped' , '9/21/2011', '9/20/2011'
;With CTE As (
Select *, (Row_Number() over(order by ProductID, TransactionID, StatusDate desc))as RowNum
from @table ),
CTE2 As (
Select CTE.*, (case When CTE.Status = isnull((select t.Status from CTE t where t.RowNum = (CTE.RowNum + 1)), '')then 1
else 0 end
)as RowNum2
from CTE )Select CTE2.ProductID, CTE2.TransactionID, CTE2.Details, CTE2.Status, CTE2.StatusDate, CTE2.RequestDate
from CTE2 where RowNum2 = 0
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