Monday, 24 October 2011

How to merge Cosecutive duplicate status rows with different values in columns - Sql Server

My Current Table:

Output should be

declare @table table (
ProductID int, TransactionID int, Details varchar(50), Status varchar(100), 
StatusDate datetime, RequestDate datetime )

into @table 
Select 1, 11101, 'Enroll', 'Received'                           , '10/2/2010', '10/01/2010' union all
Select 1, 11102, 'Enroll', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/4/2010', '10/03/2010' union all
Select 1, 11105, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/5/2010', '10/04/2010' union all
Select 1, 11108, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '10/6/2010', '10/05/2010' union all
Select 1, 11110, 'Update', 'Shipped' , '10/11/2010', '10/10/2010' union all
Select 1, 11111, 'Enroll', 'Received'                           , '9/11/2010',  '9/10/2011' union all
Select 1, 11113, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '9/13/2011',  '9/12/2011' union all
Select 1, 11117, 'Update', 'Failed: Invalid Address', '9/14/2011',  '9/13/2011' union all
Select 1, 11120, 'Update', 'Shipped'                            , '9/21/2011',  '9/20/2011'
;With CTE As (
Select *, (Row_Number() over(order by ProductID, TransactionID, StatusDate desc))as RowNum
from @table ),
As (
Select CTE.*, (case When CTE.Status = isnull((select t.Status from CTE t where t.RowNum = (CTE.RowNum + 1)), '')then 1
else 0 end
)as RowNum2
from CTE )Select CTE2.ProductID, CTE2.TransactionID, CTE2.Details, CTE2.Status, CTE2.StatusDate, CTE2.RequestDate
from CTE2 where RowNum2 = 0    

Insert Data in Auto Incremented column Table

--Stop Identity of table and then insert data whichever we need and again start identitiy....

insert into tablename(id,name,descr)
select id,name,descr
from tablename


Monday, 17 October 2011

Delete duplicate records from Table

If any time, we want to delete duplicate records from table than we can use following query:

tableName - Our SQL table name
idtablename - Autoincremented Primary Key
columnname - By which we can identify the duplicate value in Table.

DELETE tablename WHERE idtablename in(    
    SELECT idtablename FROM tablename,(
    SELECT columnname,MIN(idtablename) AS minID
    FROM  tablename
    GROUP BY columnname
    HAVING COUNT(*) >1)  c
    WHERE c.columnname = tablename.columnname  
                   AND idtablename > minID)